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Unit 4 Exercise 4

Exercise 4: Existing Embedded Script


To use an existing embedded script to create folders.


Using the existing schedule called, Embedded Scripts Training, create a Windows Job called, Create Daily Folder. The job should run the script Create_Folder utilizing the Embedded Script Job Action.


  1. In Library > Administration, select Master Schedules.
  2. In the Schedule list, select Embedded Scripts Training and click the View button.

Create the Embedded Script Job

  1. Click the Add Job button on the side menu.
  2. In the Name textbox, enter Create Daily Folder.
  3. In the Job Type drop-down list, select Windows.
  4. In the Machine Selection drop-down list, select SMATraining.
  5. In the User ID drop-down menu, select SMATRAINING\SMAUSER.
  6. In the Job Action drop-down list, select Embedded Script.
  7. In the Script drop-down list, select the Create_Folder.
  8. Leave the Version as LATEST (X).
  9. In the Runner drop-down menu, select Command Shell.
  10. In the Arguments textbox, type the following, “C:\IT\Backups\[[$SCHEDULE DATEYYYYMM]]”
  • Remember to use properties where acceptable
  1. Click the Save button.
  2. Click the Lock icon in the upper right-hand corner.
  3. Scroll to the Frequency sections and ADD a Frequency called Mon-Fri-N.
  4. Add Documentation and then click the Save button.

Verify Directory Does NOT Exist

  1. Outside of OpCon (Using Windows File Explorer) verify that the following folder does not exist in the following path, “C:\IT\Backups\[[$SCHEDULE DATEYYYYMM]]”, (where $SCHEDULE DATEYYYYMM refers to the current month of the current year)

Build Schedule

  1. Return to Solution Manager and build the Embedded Scripts Training Schedule Released for today.
  2. Once the Job completes successfully, verify that the folder was created in Windows File Explorer.

Enterprise Manager

  1. Under the Scripts topic, Double-Click on Repository.
  2. Double-Click on the Create Folder script.
  3. Double-Click on the last version of the script.
  4. The content of the scripts will be displayed. This script checks to see if a folder exists. If it already exists, it exits without doing anything. If it does not exist, then it will create the folder.
  5. Click Cancel and then Close.
  6. Close the Script Repository tab.
  7. Under the Administration topic, Double-Click on Job Master.
  8. In the Schedule drop-down list, select Embedded Scripts Training.
  9. Click the Add button on the Job Master toolbar.
  10. In the Name textbox, enter Create Daily Folder.
  11. In the Job Type drop-down list, select Windows.
  12. In the Primary Machine drop-down list, select SMATraining.
  13. In the Job Action drop-down list, select Embedded Script.
  14. In the User ID drop-down menu, select SMATRAINING\SMAUSER.
  15. In the Script drop-down list, select the Create_Folder.
  16. Leave the Version as LATEST.
  17. In the Runner drop-down menu, select Command Shell.
  18. In the Arguments textbox, type the following:
  1. Click the Save button.
  2. Give the Job a Frequency of Mon-Fri-N.
  3. Add Documentation and then close the Job Master.
  4. Outside of OpCon verify that the following folder does not exist:

(where $SCHEDULE DATEYYYYMM refers to the current month of the current year)

  1. Go back to Enterprise Manager and build the Embedded Scripts Training Schedule Released for today.
  2. Once the Job completes successfully, verify that the folder was created.